Do we dare to dream? Really dream, to yearn achingly with every cell in our body, with every beat of our heart and every corner of our mind.
Buy a tambourine, have your instrument ready and start celebrating the miracles of geulah we are about to witness! Share your tambourine pictures on social media and tag us, challenge your friends to do the same, to BELIEVE, to dare to DREAM, to help spread the fires of geulah until every Jewish women is armed! #ImReadyAreYou #ACallToArms
Join the women around the world uniting for geulah!
The תף (Timbrel translated as tambourine) itself was the vehicle that brought the geula at sinai... and now the world is waiting for the women of Israel. Its' significance lies simply in its' presence, which was powerful enough to redeem an entire nation; ",בזכות נשים צדקניות" as they were fully prepared with tambourines yet left with such haste without time for bread? They already had the תף waiting. This can also be alluding to the beginning of the word תפילה. So, armed with celebratory instruments of emunah in hand, and the words of heartfelt prayer and connection on their lips, they were prepared. They were armed. This certainty in the imminent geulah and glorious revealing of Hashems Light, created a paradox in which it in itself became the vessel that ushered in the redemption.
Emunah isn't passive. True, real emunah is the most powerful force Hashem has given to mankind. It can split seas. It can redeem humanity.
בזכות נשים צדקניות
This is a call to arms. For the soul of Am Yisrael arm yourselves... with tambourines.
Inscribe it with prayer.
It's in your hands!