Yalla, Geulah!
We have a vision, the vision of your redemption. You should be FREE. Free to dance, to sing, to fly, to laugh with all of your soul that the tears of holy simcha pour freely from your body in ways you never knew you were capable. Watch this space- we are a team of women dedicated to the rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash who believe it is your G-d given right to know what that entails.

The cry out from Chava as she watched the world fall apart. The cry weaving unendingly throughout history from Egypt unto israel, from Babylon to Rome, somehow enduring millenia of persecution reaching an agonising crescendo right at the core of the gas chambers. And now? Silence.
This is a call to arms. A call to the women of today, from the voice inside your soul.

What Can YOU do?
Buy a tambourine! Share your tambo selfie and tag us on social media, challenging your friends to do the same. In short, SPREAD the geulah fever, be a voice that joins the ancient song unique to the sacred Jewish women. Pray, sing, beseech to Hashem to return to us and to our sisters to join our timeless melody as one force.

Arm Up!

You have B'chira. Use it.